I told you I was cool
Well, so says this neat and useful device on the Internet, and therefore it must be true, right? But as Mr. Macrum said when he was compared to another famous author about ten days ago, it says "I write like...", not "I write as well as...." So the coolness definitely has its caveats. Quoth the raven, "It's past time for me to scare up some lunch."
OMG, I write like Dan Brown. Dunno if that's a good thing, or a bad thing. :o)
Looks like you will have to wait patiently in the afterlife to have your genius discovered. Just as Poe did. Just don't die in Baltimore. Philly will sue to move you there.
At the rate I'm writing, which is to say nothing at all because I'm blocked solid, this thing is going to compare my writing to Poe's work in the 20th century.
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